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Assisted living communities play a vital role in supporting seniors physically and socially while preserving their independence. Recognizing the need for assisted living arises when a loved one can no longer comfortably reside at home without assistance. Barbara Levison, a geriatric care manager, shares insights on achieving balance in assisted living—offering support while maximizing independence. To determine suitability for your senior loved one, consider the following questions:

  1. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): Does your loved one need assistance with dressing, bathing, and using the toilet? Approximately 14.2% of adults 75+ require personal care assistance.
  2. Socialization Needs: Does your loved one lack social opportunities? Assisted living fosters connections through various activities.
  3. Care Coordination: Would your loved one benefit from streamlined care coordination? Assisted living communities provide services from healthcare professionals.
  4. Chores and Home Maintenance: Do daily chores cause stress? Assisted living communities provide services like cleaning, laundry, and maintenance.
  5. Nutrition: Does your senior family member have access to proper nutrition? Assisted living offers diverse dining options to address nutritional needs.
  6. Long-Term Care: Can you provide adequate long-term care? Assisted living provides round-the-clock care, relieving caregivers of constant attention.
  7. Caregiving Cost: Acknowledge the hidden costs of family caregiving, including direct and indirect expenses, emphasizing the need for honest evaluation.
  8. Mental and Physical Health: Monitor your own well-being, recognizing that caregiver health is paramount. Persistent issues may signal the right time for assisted living.
  9. Independence Level: Is your loved one mostly independent but requires assistance with daily activities or seeks socialization and mental stimulation?
  10. Cognitive Decline: Assess the level of cognitive decline. Memory care might be suitable for constant supervision, while assisted living caters to mostly independent seniors.


Moving to assisted living is a significant life change for both you and your loved one. If you’ve concluded that additional care is necessary, the following steps can guide you through this transition with your loved one.

Communicate with your loved one and family members

As the primary caregiver or someone who noticed concerning changes, decide how to broach the topic with your senior loved one and other family members. Whether initiating a one-on-one conversation or discussing it as a group, include your loved one early in the process. Be prepared for multiple discussions, understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all approach given your unique family dynamics.

Consult your loved one’s doctor

Even if you think you know the best type of senior care for your loved one, consult their doctor if you have any uncertainties. The doctor can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your loved one’s needs and offer insights into their future requirements.

Organize important documents

Collect important documents related to finances, legal matters, and health. These may include life insurance policies, long-term care insurance policies, military discharge paperwork, or a living will. Having these documents in advance will aid in planning for the cost of care. Be aware that some insurance policies or benefits might have waiting periods, so gather these documents as early as possible.

Reach out, we’re here to help

Determine what aspects are most important in an assisted living community for your loved one to have the best experience. If the process of choosing a community seems daunting, assistance is available. You can contact us at the provided number or click “Schedule a Tour” on our website, and we will reach out within 24 hours to support you through this journey.